Bend Skincare: A Magical Youth Serum

Wild Rosebuds on her secret youth serum Bend SkincareWild Rosebuds on her secret youth serum Bend SkincareWild Rosebuds on her secret youth serum Bend SkincareWorking in Halifax's Bar industry for many years had its perks. One of them, the best one, was meeting so many amazing and talented people. One of those people was a tall, dark and handsome man name Marc St. Onge. As I worked the door of the booming restaurant Seven, He would keep me company until my boss clued in that he had forgotten to cut me for the night. I learned a lot about him in those wee hours of the night, which included all about his fish oil company Nutrasea. I became so interested in this great for you oil that I started taking it myself. From my skin to my digestion, so many things became better by taking one tsp of it a day.In the past few years, he has taken the company to another level, parting with the daily family friendly fish oil and focusing all of his smarts on how to take this powerful oil and enhance it's skincare benefits. What came out of all this work and studies was Bend Skincare. From it's anti aging properties, to its ability to reduce your chance of sunburns up to 80%, and helping your body's defence against free radicals, one tsp a day is pure magic for your body.I have been using Marc's fish oil Products since I was 19 years old. But, having not taken Bend Skincare since before I was pregnant with Poppy, I wanted to show you first hand what it can do. So above is my before photo, and in 90 days, I will show you an after. For me, this is the perfect time in my life to really see first hand what a natural product can really do for me. Pregnancy does a number on your body, but I'm crediting my post pregnancy glow that people keep saying that I have, because I am taking Bend.So here it goes. Check for an update in December, and learn more about what Bend can do for you HERE.Katie Rose


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