Getting In The Spirit

image image image image image image image image image image imageWhat A day! We started our morning Heading to the local Farmers market by my parents in Hubbards. We were there to meet Rob's Mom, but were so cold that we lasted a quick walk through, then retreated to a delicious restaurant up the street. It was a great breakfast catching up and planning for the holidays. Aubrey, of course, needed to start it off with a screaming fit but quickly fell asleep through the entire breakfast.Rob and I decided then to start our stocking shopping. Trying to feel more in the christmas spirit, we headed to all of the small, local shops in Mahone Bay and Lunenburg, with tons of luck. The best part of the day was seeing Rob light up as we met Father Christmas. I snapped a picture of Aubrey and him together with the giant presence of a man. Its so great to have someone in my life who shares the same love of many things with me, Christmas being one of them. and, as Aubrey gets older, I hope we share the magic with him.Now for homemade blueberry pancakes, christmas movies, and decorating my parents for christmas.Katie Rose xo   options strategiesпродвижение yandexgoptionноутбуки без оскупить шевроле круз в кредитброкеры по кредитамдельта банк ипотечный кредитброкерская помощь в получении кредита


Happy 34th Anniversary


The Christmas List