A Naturopathic Way To Clean Beauty

Wild Rosebuds Clean Beauty Skincare Routine Using Coconut Oil, Apple Cider Vinegar and Rosehip oilI don't know if it's the change in season, or just my tired mama skin, but recently, my skin has been atrocious. Growing up all I used was Clinique 3 step program. It was great until I had Aubrey. It just wasn't enough to keep up with my tired skin. But, after switching to so many different brands, my poor sensitive skin was getting worse.Last year just after Poppy I switched my full skin care to a popular line but this summer, my sister who is going to school to be a Holistic Nutritionist and very into clean beauty showed me how the whole line was full of carcinogens and I needed to stop using it asap. So, while I've been searching for a new clean skin care line that fits the average mamas budget, I've been using bits and pieces of product lines I had in the cupboard. BAD IDEA!This week my skin took a change for the worse. It's angry, with a combination of dry spots and pimples and is red and tired looking. Makeup is not sitting well on it and I was truly at a loss. So, in swoops my sister for help. For the next few weeks, I am going to take a natural approach to my skincare to see if I can balance it out, along with healing whatever damage I have recently done.Here is what I will be doing.


  • I will be using pure coconut oil to cleanse my face each morning and night instead of a harsh soap. Coconut can be too clogging if you have oily skin, so if that happens to me, I will switch to washing my face with jojoba oil. After you wash with it, wipe off with a warm wet facecloth.


  • Hollie recommended doing a homemade toner of 1 part apple cider vinegar, 1 part water or green tea that has been cooled. The green tea calms your skin. So, if you are having a reaction like me, make it with basic green tea and apple cider vinegar. Mix together in a bottle and apply with a cotton pad to dried cleansed skin. Rince face with cool water


  • Because my skin is so sensitive, I will be using Rose Hip Oil at night for a moisturizer. Just apply a few drops all over your face and neck after toning. This will improve the tone of your skin and help with aging spots and wrinkles.


  • As a mask, I will be using pure Manuka Honey on my face a few times a week. There is a great video on how to do it HERE. Basically, its almost like a bore mask, you cover your face with the honey and then pat your skin for 5 minutes. patting the skin pulls out any dirt and black heads from your pores. after you have done that for 5 mins, you leave the honey on for an additional 15 mins before washing it off. You skin will be left glowing and soft.


One last thing that I will be try out, is called the Tinkle. My friend in the beauty industry recommended this and I'm interested to see what it does for me. What the tinkle is, is a guarded straight raiser you use to shave your face and shape your eyebrows. doing this not only helps with exfoliating the skin, but not having the peach fuzz on your face allows for your products to be absorbed better and your makeup to sit better on your skin. If I find that I see a different, I will be doing a review on how-to etc.So stay tuned as I will be letting you know next month an update on my skin and if this Natural approach works.


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