Focus On The Facts At The Halifax Tree Lighting

When All goes wrong at the Halifax Tree Lighting When All goes wrong at the Halifax Tree Lighting When All goes wrong at the Halifax Tree Lighting When All goes wrong at the Halifax Tree Lighting When All goes wrong at the Halifax Tree Lighting When All goes wrong at the Halifax Tree LightingYou know those days where everything goes wrong? That was our Saturday!It was the Halifax Tree lighting in Grand Parade Square and I had been stuck in the house with the kids for the past 3 days. I was ready to get out of the house, but was stressed about timing and how the kids would handle being out that late. All that stress made me a bit forgetful. We rushed out the door with both kids in tow so that we would have time to eat before we headed to the lighting.We made it in time, but when Rob went to take out the camera for some great family photos, it had a flashing red light letting us know that there was no memory card. I had taken them out to clear them and forgot to replace them in the rush out the door. So we had to make due with our Phone Cameras (hence the blurry photos above).Next thing to go wrong, Aubrey needed to pee. We knew a building across the street had a public washroom so as he and I holding hands started trekking up the cement stairs to the street, he decided that he didn't need to pee and continued to pull me down the stairs, twisting my ankle and smashing the back of his head as he fell backwards. That was the last sign that we needed, to know that we were working with a short rope and had to enjoy the time we had left before Aubrey threw in the towel. But, then the Octonauts came on stage which bought us some time and a happier kid.We wanted to head to the Health Canada Nutrition Facts Education booth to try our luck at winning a $300 grocery gift card, so we headed to the booth to learn more about reading the labels on our foods. I learned the serving size written on each box isn't necessarily meant to be followed (um goodbye guilty feelings). Also, what a little and a lot meant in terms of daily percentage. For instance, 5% or lower is a little and 15% or higher is a lot. Knowing that, you can adjust your shopping accordingly.  It was such a smart, quick way to look and make sure products fit into your needs. Next, after we passed a little mini test on our new found knowledge, we got to play Plinko! Yup, that's right! So, knowing our time was short with Aubrey, we let him play the game, and he absolutely loved it. We lost with both Plinko chips, but the joy on his face was the perfect end to a rough night in the world of parenting.The tree hadn't been lite, but we decided with a sleeping baby and a VERY tired and acting out toddler, it was time to turn in and head home, with new memories made.I want to give you a chance to win a Sobeys Grocery gift card. So, if you are a Canadian resident, comment below on your favorite food fact. Contest will close Sunday December 4th at 11pm. Also, Heath Canada is giving away a gift card each month so head here to test your knowledge for your chance to win.katie-rose      Thank you Health Canada for Supporting our family with this post.


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