Giving Time For Myself with MAM Bottles

The Wild Decoelis | Giving Time For Myself with Mam Bottles | bottle feedingMotherhood can be described in many different adjectives, but at the end of the day, they all mean rewarding and hard. Since becoming a mom to three, many of you have checked in on my mental health, either because you have been with me since the beginning of this blog and know my past struggles, or because you too are a new mom and need to know you are not alone in your feelings. You want to know how others are surviving. I get it, that is the whole reason I started this blog 6.5 years ago, to not feel so alone with my thoughts.The Wild Decoelis | Giving Time For Myself with Mam Bottles

So what do I do to survive? 

The same thing that many of you also do, take time away. Don’t get me wrong, being a mom is amazing. Each ‘I love you’ that they say, or the quiet that happens instantly with my hugs makes this whole thing worth it. But the only way that I can truly feel balanced deep down is by stepping back and remembering that I am not only a mom, but a grown independent, strong woman. This comes in many forms; whether it’s a treatment or haircut at the spa or a trip to the grocery store by myself, those moments alone allow me to gather my thoughts, get a grip on reality outside the home, and return home more relaxed and composed. Doing that makes me a better mom and a better wife.The Wild Decoelis | Giving Time For Myself with Mam Bottles | brother feeding The Wild Decoelis | Giving Time For Myself with Mam Bottles | anti-colic bottleExclusively breastfeeding does add a twist to that though. I am a pumper when I have free time but also am totally for supplementing with formula when need be. With the support of my husband and mom to watch Emmitt during those times away, I know that they have either option to choose from so everything runs smoothly. But, as you know from my stories, Emmitt has reflux and signs of colic, making leaving him a bit stressful. Not because I don't think that he is safe and happy with my support system, but because as a mom, I feel like I’m the only one who should suffer through his cries. Ridiculous, I know, but also a very real statement. The Wild Decoelis | Giving Time For Myself with Mam Bottles | 2 sizesWe have been using this time around. They just became available in Canada at Babies’R’Us stores and I had heard good things. They are known to help not only prevent colic, gas and reflux with a specifically designed vented base, but also have an easy latch nipple that makes switching between breast and bottle easier on your baby without nipple confusion. To be honest, beside the fact that they allow me to leave the house without worrying that Emmitt will light up with gas after being fed, they are my new favorite because they are mind-blowingly easy to clean with both the top and bottom of the bottle coming off. You can even sterilize them without a separate device with just a bit of water and a microwave. As a busy mom of three now, I need ease when it comes to all of the cleaning. If you feel like you are drowning in that new mom life, don't feel guilty to ask for help. Pass them a MAM Anti-Colic bottle with breast milk or formula and take a time out to remember who you are. You will be a better mom because of it. We all need help sometimes.Katie-Rose &Rob      

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