I Am A Bad Mom

Bad Mom Bad Mom Bad Mom"I am a bad mom"....I utter these words in my head many times a day, even more on weekends. Aubrey is almost 3 but still makes a trail of dirt where ever he goes. As I follow him, I see the mess but can't be bothered to clean it up as I know it will become a mess 5 minutes later. Because of this, and the messy house we live in.....I tell myself that I am a bad mom.Our kitchen is always a disaster area. I will clean it up and by the next morning it is back to being a mess. We used to use the excuse that we had a small kitchen and no dishwasher. Now we have a large kitchen and a dishwasher, yet the kitchen is still an embarrassment. I am too tired to do anything about it, or maybe just don't care anymore...I tell myself that I am a bad mom for making him live in that.I have a bad temper, and always have. It is something I work on daily and some days are better than others. Aubrey, well... he seems to test my patience and push my buttons and sometimes I snap. I yell at him, or send him to his room. And after, I feel horribly about it because he's still only 2 and doesn't know any better....I tell myself I am a bad mom.We are openly talking on Social media all the time lately about stopping the mommy bullying and judgement of each other, but what about the bullying of ourselves. I am pregnant, in pain, and just plain exhausted. But, I still tell myself that I am a bad mom many times a day because I am not perfect. Each mistake I make as a parent gets replayed over and over in my head. And soon enough, I unfortunately start to believe what I am telling myself.The thing is, We are humans, and we need to remind ourselves of that. I know deep down that I am not a bad mom and that each one of you moms out there probably feel the same way that I do. So as Mothers Day approaches, I just wanted to remind you not to listen to that voice inside your head. You are a GREAT mom, you keep your babies safe and you do the best you can in every situation. Celebrate your successes, not your faults and stop being your own bully. We are in this fight together.Katie Rose ggoogle adwordsпродвижение англоязычных сайтовгде выгоднее менять валютуlesbian short filmsкукуруза займ онлайнтеле2 займдельта банк кредитикеа кредит условия


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