Another Daycare Change Another Daycare change Another Daycare change Another Daycare changeSo it's official. After a great 6 months of Aubrey at his last daycare, we have decided to make the change to a daycare closer to my work. With the horrible winter weather and the traffic getting worse and worse here in Halifax, driving out of the city and then back in during the middle of rush hour just doesn't make sense. So, I went on a tour last week and as a family we have saved a spot at a daycare only 2 blocks from my office. This will cut my commute both to and from work in half which is pretty amazing. PLUS, they are a lot more affordable which is always a bonus.Now comes the hard part. Aubrey is very attached to his caregiver and I am worried with how he will react to the change. he will be going from an in home 6 child daycare to a multi level daycare and preschool. He is still young so I am hoping that will help with the change. Another thing that we will have to wait out is the no crib situation. He will now be sleeping on a mattress on the floor instead and they promise me that its monkey see monkey do and he won't have any issues. I hope thats true.Along with all that drama, we have taken his soother away from him besides to sleep with. It's working out well so far, and that beautiful voice is becoming more clear and is developing more words like 'LOVE YOU' ohhhh melt my mommy heart!do you have any mommy tips for changing daycares and quitting with soothers? help a girl out!Katie Rose xoоптимизация ценыhow binary option brokers make moneyдешевые туры ценыстоимость жилья в майамикредит с 19 лет москвабыстрый кредит для студентовхоум кредит банк смоленскнецелевой кредит это


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