Big News!

announcement08 announcement04 announcement01 announcement05 announcement03 announcement07Dress by ABS from All Dressed Up, Photos by North X North Photography

As many of you readers know, Rob and I suffered a hard miscarriage last year and it ended up being an even scarier diagnosis of a partial molar pregnancy. Well, we are finally able to safely announce that we are almost 16 weeks pregnant with a healthy little bundle in there. It has so far been a pretty hard road for me like many of you Moms. Whether you've lost a baby or not, the scare is there, and so is the nausea. Please forgive my lack of blogging but this has consumed my life for the moment and I have had no energy to lift even a finger to the keyboard.We found out that we were expecting back on November 10th, of course right before Rob's work Christmas Party. From there we were rushed into an ultrasound to make sure I was not having another failed pregnancy. Unfortunately, at that point it was to early to tell and so we had to wait another week and a half before being re-ultrasound for a definitive answer. It was probably one of the most stressful weeks of my life. The time came for the second ultrasound, but the tech wouldn't let us watch at first. After about 10 minutes of her viewing this little baby inside of us, she asked Rob to turn on the Monitor beside him and showed us the healthy heart of a beautiful little fetus.Since then, I have had 1 emerg. trip due to pains that we know now were a bladder infection, and a doctors appointment where we got to hear the heart beat for the first time. Next week , we have our 2nd prenatal and I'm hoping to update you through Instagram, or Snapchat through each new experience.So heres to bump pics, and pregnancy style for the next 6 months.Katie Rose xoпаркетная доска массивнаяреклама и стимулирование сбытаare tires covered under new car warrantyаренда апартаментов Fisher Islandхоум кредит 8 800кредит 150000 рублейкак брать кредит теле2коммерческий кредит гк рф


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