Too Busy To Live

DSC_1208Don't you HATE it when life seems to get in the way of life? This past month seems to be a blur of must dos and hardly any want to dos. It has gotten to the point where sometimes I take a moment to look back at Aubrey sitting there in his carseat, about to be dropped off at daycare yet again, and think to myself "Who is this grown up little boy?" We have literally been so busy with everything else this summer has thrown at us, that I'm missing those crucial moments of my precious baby's life. Instead, like many of you parents, I ship him off to strangers to raise him through out the week while I work. Once the weekend finally comes around, we have so many other things that need to be done, we end up having to let someone else watch him yet again, so that we don't have any 'interuptions' . Well, this saturday, I made sure it was different. Rob had to work saturday morning about an hours drive away, so I postponed any other plans, and dedicated my entire day to Aubrey and Momma. The morning was spent walking along the waterfront together, visiting the farmers market, and Aubrey flirting with the prettiest of girls as they passed. Man, he's a flirt. Once home, we spent the afternoon playing with trucks, and blowing up his kiddy pool just in time for him to pee in it. It honestly was a perfect day for us. A day I needed badly. You forget how busy life can be once you work full time, but with this reminder, I now have my priorities straight and that means my family prevails over all.Katie Rose xo Wildrosebuds.combinary option affiliate networkполигон ооо отзывыкак приготовить курицу гриль в духовкевидеокамера для наружного наблюденияэкспресс займ воронеж адресаикея кредитпомощь кредиты займывзять деньги в долг тольятти


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