How To Look Put Together When You Are A Busy Mom
Last month, I reached out to you followers on Instagram and asked if you had any questions you would like answered through a blog post. Many of you asked how do I look put together when I have my two kids with me and work from home. Well, that is a very loaded question, I mean, just look at my wrinkled shirt in this post. I feel like I always look like a slob, but its funny how you see yourself so differently than everyone else.But, in saying that, I definitely have some tips that I swear by to keep myself able to get ready in a pinch with a baby and toddler at my feet. I needed to develop some because with Rob's schedule, I am in charge of bedtime and morning routines. This means that before we even wake up for the day, Rob is already at work. Before I drop Aubrey to preschool at 8:30am, I need to have both kids fed and dressed as well as myself ready for either work in the city or meetings/ shoots for the blog. It is hard and even with these tips, it boils down to managing your time and prioritizing.
So, with all that being said, Here are my tips on how to look put together as a busy mom.
- Take care of your skin- We as women never seem to spend time or money on ourselves, but with the loss of sleep due to having kids, its when our skin needs the most love. I wrote a blog post about my skincare routine here. It's funny because after I posted it, I read about K-beauty. At first I though it was a brand of skincare but really it just boils down to a skin care routine using great quality products which layer onto your skin. It doesn't take very long to do each morning and night, but you will see amazing results. Plus, with great skin, you can forgo your make up and still feel great.
- Take care of your body- With good fitness and nutrition, you feel better in your own skin AND clothing. This will help you get dressed each morning because you won't constantly doubt yourself in the mirror. You look damn good in those jeans and no one can see your "imperfections" but you. Start by making better decisions with your snacks and then work your way up to meals. As a mom, its hard because you probably have to make multiple meals for each family member but it really makes a difference. When all else fails, have a great protein powder on stock and make a smoothie. When it comes to fitness, I hate spending money on gym memberships. Read my post here about what you need to get yourself running again. Or, if you are into videos and strength training, I LOVE the Tone It Up girls. They are about to start an 8 week bikini body challenge next Monday (free) and I have already started their pre-week training.
- Shop knowing your closet and body shape- When I go shopping, I always think of what I can pair it with in my closet to make it an outfit. This saves money and helps you build on to an already styling wardrobe. Also know your shapes. Bodycon dresses and tops aren't for me. I look good in flowy tops and structured dresses. I also need at the knee dressed because my legs aren't where they need to be. Be honest with yourself and your body so that you don't feel disappointed.
- Create a beginners version of a capsule collection in your closet- I am sure you have heard this word before, as capsules seem to be the rage right now. But, I am not one to live off one rack of clothing for a season. Take all of your favourite clothing and put them at the front of your closet. For me, I love these jeans and have them in three different shades, I then have shirts like this and this, or sweaters like this one and this one. That way, in the morning the decisions have been lessened. I know I just need to choose out of my go to tops and which wash of denim to throw on. Those jeans that still don't fit from pre baby stay at the back of my closet with the dresses that don't do up yet because we need to be nicer to ourselves and not dwell on those and their zippers not wanting to do up in the morning. Find out more of my go-tos on my SHOP page
- Get an Easy hair style and use great products- Find a hairstyle that works for you and your lifestyle. For me, I love long hair. It is easy to manage, you can throw it up in a bun or braids to get it out of your way, and to be honest its a security blanket. Everyone is different so rock a style you know you can style easily and love. If you follow my instastories, you are well aware of my love for Monat. I am all about the less you wash your hair the better....because I'm lucky if I get a shower in 2 times a week. Monat has done wonders for lengthening the time between washes and also giving my hair the love it needs. Having great hair that is easy to style and manage takes the stress off your plate in the mornings. I swear by the Monat Mousse because it even keeps my curls in the following day. Um...YES PLEASE!
- Develop a fast makeup routine- If you have seen my makeup post here, you know that I live for the 5 min face. In fact, I usually do my make up on the parking lot to wherever I am going. Find great products that work for you and stick to the minimum. Foundation, blush, mascara, brow powder and a lip color. That is all you need.
- Confidence- Have confidence in yourself as both a mother and as a women. Confidence sells whatever your putting out there in the world. Even if you can't make it out of your leggings that day, style them with body confidence so people think its athleisure instead to mom brain. Rock that top knot like it was your option to wear it, not the grease at your roots, and love yourself unconditionally.