Mmmm Chia.....

Mango Blueberry Chia puddingWith the season of indulgence upon us, Rob and I are trying to make sure we make wise decisions when we are able to. Unfortunately, I have a major sweet tooth as well as a milk allergy.  This means that it's both easier and harder to let myself have a treat. Easier in the fact that I can't have many things I crave, but harder in the fact that I need to hunt down something that works with all my food allergies, while satisfying my cravings. Chia seed pudding is all over Pinterest so a little while back I decided to try it and really enjoyed it. Last night, I craved something sweet. I cut up a mango and with some blueberries, put them in a large mason jar. I then, poured in 2.5 cups of almond milk, 2 tbsp maple syrup, and 5 tbsp of chia seeds. Put the lid on, shake, and place it in the fridge overnight. It is a great quick treat for a busy mom on the go.Enjoy,Katie-RoseBinary options brokeryodle reviewноутбуки asus характеристикиbox covers for trucksкредит иногородним в москвекак брать кредит на теле2мото в кредитодобрен кредит


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