Ok Spring, I`m Ready For You Now


My Look:

Top: Club Monaco

Pants: Zara

Boots: Aldo

Accessories: Michael Kors Watch, Aldo Bracelets

This winter is turning out to be too long. Stressors are becoming overthought and being couped up in the house storm after storm isn't helping with my SAD. I find myself longing for summer and the warmth of being at the beach or eating on a patio. But instead, I`m stuck in this too large, too expensive house, surrounded by snow and ice. I`m stuck.....Stuck in a mental and physical rut. I have what seems to be negativity all around me and I need to break free. The great thing is that it can only go up from here right? I am in charge of my own changing and I need to start owning up. Some people just aren't going to say they are sorry, and you have to move on. Stop dwelling on negativity and get out there. I need to start listening to my own advice. That's where this Paleo thing comes along. Now that I have been on Mat leave for 8 months, I find that the structure I live my life with has disappeared. I need to get that back. Instead of dedicating my time to work, it has been to other things, like over-thinking, or being upset about things that I can`t control, or baking to make myself feel better. I'm usually queen of healthy living and the structure and planning of a Paleo diet will hopefully consume my extra time so that I have no time for silly issues and get back on track. But still...I'm counting down the days until we can finally say spring is here.

Just needed to rant a bit. Thanks for listening.

                                           Katie Rose xo

P.S. Aubrey just cut 2 teeth and won`t let me out of his sight. Hence the pictures above. Poor little man.

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Project 52: Week 7


So....How About This Paleo Thing?