A Visit With Santa Claus

santa-5 santa-6We have been taking Aubrey to Santa each year since he was born and each year he has the same amazing reaction. Rob and I have both been obsessed with christmas and the spirit of Santa since we were little and its almost as though that happiness we get from being apart of the whole Santa experience, Aubrey senses that and isn't afraid, but is just as excited as us. At 2 and a half, we know he doesn't know the real reason for Christmas and that Santa is such a small part, but as long as he continues to have the same emotions towards the season as we do, the rest will come in time.Seeing his face light up with the sounds of Santa's bells approaching us was one of those great parenting moments. As Santa came in sight on his walk to his big chair, Aubrey started waving furiously with all his strength yelling 'HI SANTA" until finally Santa approached us and said hi in return. After that, Aubrey had little patience in the long wait in line to get to have his own time with the Jolly man. But, we got to meet an elf who kept him busy and Frosty was waiting for a photo op with him on the bench. We finally made it to the big chair, Aubrey climbed right up next to him and started spouting out a list of things he wanted. It was hard to make out because he was so excited he started stuttering his words, but it was the most adorable sentence he may have ever said. Now, you mention Santa and his eyes get all sparkly and he knows that something big is about to come. Only a week left until christmas and the great moments keep coming.Katie-Rose xosanta-11 santa-13 santa-14 light optionsкупить дорожную косметичкукупить блендер ценадиски автодебет 10 кредит 10быстрый займ в воронеже деньгаденьги в долг срочно томскденьги в долг у теле2


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