A New Years With Ferrero Rocher

ferrero-6 ferrero-7 ferrero-10 ferrero-12 ferrero-15 Once you have kids, it's hard to do New Years like you did when you were single awesome people who could spend all night getting ready and the whole next day sleeping it off. So this year we decided to plan a New Years dessert party. That way, supper as a family can be eaten, babies can be put to bed on time (a hard thing after Christmas) and babysitters are easier to come by. Dessert is such a happy food and games until midnight has to be a favourite past time of mine. This year, I am lucky enough to have Ferrero Rocher help out with the decor as well as dessert. I was inspired by their gold wrappers and went gold with everything. Every detail including the cake forks are a gorgeous gold. For dessert, I made a Fererro Rocher Cake that is rich and chocolaty with the perfect amount of Hazelnut cream. You can find the recipe here thanks to Pinterest.There is something so special about Ferrero Rocher and the holidays. Since I can remember, I always had a box that was wrapped under the tree waiting for me on christmas morning. I even remember the christmas that they launched the new coconut covered white chocolate heaven and how my middle school crush had given me a box to try them, knowing my love for the original. Sweets, no matter how unhealthy people make them out to be, still bring people together. There is something about the bonding when you eat sweets together, no judgement, just a chemical reaction in the brain putting you in a better mood. I'll take those moments over a diet and a piece of lettuce any day. I mean, thats what dog walking and yoga are for right?Katie Rose xoferrero-16 ferrero-18 ferrero-23 ferrero-25 ferrero-27 ferrero-30 ferrero-31 ferrero-33Binary Option Signalsонлайн сканирование вирусовлучшие ноутбуки 2016toyota carolla 2013форд кредит калькуляторобеспечение по кредиту этодебет 08 кредит 60хоум кредит по телефону


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