Paleo Mocha Frappuccino

Processed with VSCOWinter is hard when you have a toddler as many of you cold climate mommas may know. And with each bitter cold snowy weekend, you try to find ways to entertain the little one. Of course this is tiring work. In the middle of the last storm, I craved for a Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino. But, there was a blizzard outside and no way I was leaving the house. The other downfall, Rob and I have switched back to eating paleo exclusively, meaning all that milk and sugar is a no no. So I headed into the kitchen to see how I could kill this craving. Rob and I had just gotten an Espresso machine as a wedding gift as well as a new blender, so it was the perfect place to start. I mixed a few things together and came up with this amazing Paleo Mocha Frappuccino drink that you could even say is pretty healthy for you with good fats and healthy sugars. See for yourself below:Ingredients:

  • Espresso or strong coffee
  • Ice
  • Unsweetened Coconut or Almond milk
  • Cocoa powder
  • Maple syrup
  • Canned full fat coconut milk that has been refrigerated


  1. Brew espresso or coffee. I used 2 shots of espresso but you could also use 1/3cup of strong brewed coffee.
  2. Pour espresso over ice in a bullet or blender
  3. Add 1tbsp cocoa powder, 2tbsp of maple syrup and fill the rest of the cup or until the ice in blender is covered with coconut milk and blend until smooth
  4. Open can of Coconut milk and drain out the coconut water. Spoon out the hardened coconut milk into a small bowl and add 2tbsp of maple syrup. mix with a hand mixer until texture is of whipped cream.
  5. Pour Frappuccino into desired glass and top with whipped cream.
  6. ENJOY!!

Take a load off and enjoy a guilt free version of this delicious treat at home. No matter what the weather.Katie Rose xoTrading Sessionsкак сделать стробинггде купить шиныкрасивые животные видеокредит в череповцекредитная карта евросетьоформить кредит на карту кукурузахоум кредит банк белгород


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