Getting 'Nourish'ed

Sept-2 Sept-1 Last week I was lucky to receive a Nourish Mini Box to sample all the great products that they can offer on a subscription. This locally owned online company was born here in Halifax and was started as an educational company by 2 local nutritionists. Each box is comprised of their favouring snacks and super foods to let you try something different. They each have something a little different and are a surprise each month.The thing I love most about this box is it allows me to test out products, like Chocolate flavoured Hemp protein powder, before I invest in a full size version. Or that Pecan Butter is way tastier than almond butter. Each day, since receiving the box, I have tried something new. Some things aren't for me, but others, I have fallen involve with. This box allows you to see how yummy healthy can be.Are you Local? you can get your hands on your own Nourish Mini Box on other products by heading to Rio on October 14th from 8-9:30. There, my good friend and personal trainer, Sylvia from Nova Fitness, will teach you a bit about nutrition, health and the fantastic brand behind Nourish.Katie Rose xono deposit bonus binary brokerовощи гриль в домашних условияхhookah to buyблендер погружной отзывыкупить ладу приору в кредитденьги в долг херсонкукуруза кредиткредит студенту


Getting knitted


Fabletics: 1 Outfit, 3 Looks