Getting knitted

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My look: Sweater, Jeans, Boots, Sunglasses, Purse

I don't know what it is about having a coffee date with Rob, but it always ends up in us risking our lives. Having the morning off together, we headed to our favorite spot Pavia Gallery. It's close to our house with a gorgeous ocean side drive to get there and back. Rob loves the ocean and what I thought would be just a few shots of this at the cafe, ended up being us going on an adventure through side roads to find a great view of the ocean. I am sickly afraid of heights, and not a strong swimmer so when he told me to climb to the edge for the best shot and view, I had a mild heart attack (that lasted until we got home) but for those few moments that we enjoyed the view, we were reminded how little we truly are and how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful place. Oh and how AWESOME this sweater is.Katie Rose xo

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