5 Reasons Why We Switched To Tide Power Pods

The Wild Decoelis | 5 Reasons Why We Switched To Tide Power Pods

It's been a busy ten months for us. Not only have we welcomed another baby to the family, but we finally finished our laundry renovations. With our new laundry room, we also invested in a new washer and dryer. With five people and a dog to wash for, it only made sense to get the large capacity washer in hopes that we would wash less loads. Yes, we did wash less loads but seemed to have to rewash many of the kids soiled clothing twice or three times to get them actually clean. It was frustrating, so we needed to figure something out. 

We ended up hearing that Tide, a brand that I have used my entire life, released a new laundry detergent pod specifically designed for large capacity washers. We wanted to test them for ourselves. It's been two weeks now and I am pretty sure we have now washed everything from mud and dirt to grease and baby poop with Tide Power Pods, and I can say that they actually do work. 

I was hesitant at first because, with a history of always owning old washers, we never found pods would fully dissolve through the wash cycle. But with the new pod design, we have had no issues with them not fully dissolving and doing their job of getting the clothes clean the first time around.

But, to really show you what I mean, I feel like I need to lay out some of the reasons why we love this product and the science behind it.

5 Reasons Why We Switched To Tide Power Pods

5 Reasons Why We Switched To Tide Power Pods

5 Reasons Why We Switched To Tide Power Pods 

  • 50% More cleaning Power

Ok so let's start with the main thing we all want to know, how does it clean? When they developed the Power Pods they knew that large capacity washers meant more dirt, so instead of making people double up on the amount of pods that they put into each wash, they made sure each Power Pod had 50% more cleaning power than the liquid detergent. Those cleaning agents penetrate into your clothes’ fibers, breaking down set in stains and lifting them off fabrics so that they don’t get redeposited onto other clothes in the same load. Mind blown.

  • Designed for less water use 

When we first got our washer, so many people said that we should always use the more water function as they found their clothes aren't getting clean without it, but with being on well water, that defeats the purpose of having a new HE washer that is supposed to do a great job with less water used. Tide Power Pods are designed to not only wash in cold water to help lower the costs for heating water, but also to clean with the small amount of water it uses. In fact, the formula is two times as compact as Tide Liquid and uses 80% less water. If all households used Tide Power Pods, we would eliminate the transportation of about 743 million litres of water per year which would fill 297 Olympic-sized swimming pools. 

  • Designed for large loads

The idea of large loads is fantastic, you can do laundry less, fit more in, and wait longer between days to start the process again. But with larger loads means more dirt, stains that have been set in for longer, and then not using enough laundry detergent to actually get the stains out. With it being projected that in 2025 90% of households will have HE machines, Tide made sure to create a detergent to help us get things clean the first time even with all those issues.

  • Helps protect fabric from well water

Well water is just a thing many of us have to live with when we aren't in a big town or city. But, using well water means you are also battling minerals that make your clothing dingy, stiff, streaky, and weakened. Tide Power Pods have builders and chelants that have been specifically designed to bind to the hard water minerals, letting the detergent do its cleaning job and protecting the fabrics from any damage hard water may cause.

  • Makes clothing last longer

That brings me to my last reason, HAND ME DOWNS. With two nephews and a niece all around the same age as my kids, plus the clothes we buy for the oldest two getting trickled down to the younger four, then donated to other families who may need or want them, we have a lot of hand-me-downs. We need the clothes to last because dressing growing kids is expensive. Did you know that 10.4 million tons of clothing end up in landfills each year? Tide Power Pods are designed to protect your fabric from the damage of minerals, stop chlorine found in municipal water from hurting fabrics, stop the transfer of stains and soils from one item to another in the same load, and is designed to wash in cold water which will help with keeping clothes bright and prevent fading. 

After all of this, it's pretty obvious why we made the choice. It is great to know that dropping in one pod before I throw in an armful of laundry will get things clean and last longer the first time around. 

Thank you tide for supporting our family by sponsoring this post.  


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