One Room Challenge: Week 2 - Reworking What you have

One Room Challenge: Week 2 - Reworking What you have | century home mantle

It's week two of planning out and working on our front living room. We have ordered a few things that I am excited to share with you to stylize the space with. But, we are also reworking some items we already have to not only save money on the entire project, but also lessen our shopping during such a weird time.

As you know from week one's post, we are going for a very earthy feel with a vintage vibe to the space to match our Century Craftsman home. I want to bring those elements to the space through using items we already have but reworking them in ways like painting and sanding.

This week, I dusted off a few vases and plant pots from in storage and used matte chalk spray paint to refresh and give them a new life. One awesome technique is spray painting them cream with the chalk paint and then dusting on ashes from the fireplace to give the illusion of cement. These vases now bring some if the earthy vibes that we were hoping for in the room. Plus it was all things that we had in the house.

Other ways that we are bringing the right vibe into the space is through Vintage art. Unfortunately the days of Thrifting are on hold which means any vintage art people are holding onto, they are putting online and pricing up due to the want. Instead, this week I placed an order online for digital downloads of vintage prints. We use BFF print shops where each print is only $15 US and they are instantly in our email. I then headed over to Staples print shop and ordered them under POSTER with a MATTE finish. Staples shipped them to me in just over a week.

One Room Challenge: Week 2 - Reworking What you have | vintage frame and art work

Rob is DIY'ing some frames, which we will cover in the next few weeks how to but the prints are going to look fantastic in a wood frame that will add warmth to the space.

Next week, Rob is getting started on our new entrance table and we will walk you through all the steps to make one yourself. Cant wait to show you the process.


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