Adventures In Baby Wearing

poppy-2 IMG_3583 IMG_3829Wild Rosebuds Talking about how Baby wearing using a Wrap may have helped heal the click in her daughters hipsAs some of you may know if you follow me on social media, Last week, I took Poppy in to a specialist which included an ultrasound and stress test on her hips. You see, when Poppy was born, our family doctor felt a click in her hips, both hips, off and on, when she moved them. This is not good for many reasons developmentally. We waited and watched it, going into the doctors each week for her to recheck Poppy until she was 4 weeks old. The click was still there, so, a specialist request was put in.Having to head to the hospital with your baby is no fun in any circumstance, but, for this as it could affect her ability to play without pain, I was more nervous then lets say an ER trip with Aubrey's many booboos. I went to both the ultrasound and then the follow up appointment with the ortho clinic with a brave face. But, as I was talking to the Nurse Practitioner examining Poppy's hips, she said everything passed with Flying colors. The hips were perfectly normal with no more click and could not believe that there was even one there in the first place. She then watched as I started getting my Solly wrap on to wear Poppy back to the car. Asking me a ton of questions as I started getting Poppy in, we discovered that the Wrap carriers I wear her in for about 4 hours or more a day, actually held her legs and hips in the same position they would have been held in when wearing a baby hip brace. Wearing Poppy, helped her hips heal on their own.Baby wearing has so many benefits, from shaping a personality, to helping soothe colic. But, we can now add, helping hip development to the list!Katie Rose


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