A Reset Trip To Annapolis Valley

Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress Wild Rosebuds Escapes to the Annapolis Valley for lunch in a Everly dress

My Look: Dress, Shoes, Belt

Do you ever have those weeks or months that weigh on your shoulders like a pile of bricks? this past month has been that for us. Now, don't get me wrong, I had a GREAT summer, from boat trips with my sisters family, to spending time with my family and getting to welcome my beautiful girl into this world. But, running around from swimming lessons, to the beach and all the doctors appointments with work in between, I felt like I was running on empty. Summer is running out, and Rob and I finally decided to escape, just the two of us, (and Poppy because she is attached at the boob) to our favourite place, the Annapolis Valley.
This Little slice of heaven is Nova Scotia's wine country and they say that the soil here is the closest in the world to Champagne, France. So, naturally, we headed to our favourite lunch time vineyard Pete's to sit together, if only in silence and look over the beautiful view the winery has. It was the perfect reset. There was nothing to rush to, our crazy toddler was in daycare, and we were able to take our time and enjoy lunch and each other.
This summer marks 4 years together and yes there have been some ups and downs, but escapes like this where we can talk about anything on our mind is what I think is the key to staying together, it reminds me how funny he is, even if I don't laugh at all his jokes.And, it reminds me to look into those gorgeous eyes that he has because throughout the week, we are too busy dressing kids, changing bums and making food to truly see each other and all our beauty inside and out.
What do you do to keep the spark alive?
Katie Rose

Adventures In Baby Wearing


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