He Who Says Sentences, Moves Mountains.....Or Something Like That

Wildrosebuds.com: Aubrey's First WordsThis past week marked a big one. One that will go down in history. Aubrey has always been fast to reach milestones for growth and movement, but slow with speech and sounds. I have spoken to many people about my worries and asking why hasn't he spoke. Mommy or Daddy had been few and far between. Each person answered with "Don't worry, when it starts, it will be in sentences". Well, that day came last monday. Aubrey has been off the bottle for a good month now but every morning he starts his day with a Sippy cup of warm milk. He sits on the couch and chugs the drink down. I know he is finished because he starts to bang the cup on the coffee table, resembling BamBam from The Flintstones. This monday was different. Instead of the banging, I heard little feet running towards me in the kitchen. As I turned around to face him, he passed me his zippy cup and said "All Done" clear as day and with confidence. He ran right after down the hall to the doorway of the living room, and before he disappeared out of sight, he turned to look at me with a smile on his face and then kept on going. 1 full week later, that is his favourite sentence, trying to find ways to use it as much as possible, like passing us pieces of food one at a time and saying All Done with each hand off. I love it, and can't wait for his little voice to learn more.Katie Rose xohow to invest in binary optionsзащитная пленкаточильный станок б у купитьдетская мебель интернет магазин украинамазда в кредиткредит для снгвзять кредит онлайн 100 процентовrevo кредит


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