Friendship and Trust in 2018
I will be the first to praise the amazing things that social media can do for this world. As people who no longer have a village of support, we now turn to an online village and when it is good, its great. Unfortunately, when it's bad, it can be the demise of a persons confidence or worse. Friendship and trust in 2018 is probably the hardest thing to do.Over the past 5 years, I have had so many amazing things happen from this blog and all of its counterparts. The thought that as a mom of two, I can help support my family while I stay home with my kids (working mind you) would have never crossed my mind 5 years ago. I am so very lucky and value each of you following me more than you will ever know. But, one thing I learned is to keep my head in my work.As my blog grows, so does my circle of "friends". Now, I have made some amazing friends through all of this who have now become the backbone I needed to work hard and care for my babies. But, I also have been hurt.
Being in a social media driven world is one thing that doesn't help these friendships, but it seems our generation has forgotten that real relationships matter for our mental health. And maybe that is what is wrong with the world. Everyone is trying to get ahead of someone else, whether at work, or in life, and they don't care about who they hurt on their path. They forget that the top is very lonely once they have lost everyone they have pushed down on the road.This brings me to why I am writing this blog. There is a fine line between sharing to help and oversharing. I am a talker and am that friend who is always there to lend advice from my own experiences. But how do you know when you say too much?Over the last few months from my own experiences and others, the difference is in trust. As bloggers, we put our opinions, thoughts, and plans out in the open, trusting everyone who reads will listen, understand, and respect. Now, I get that isn't the case and that is ok. But, I will continue to share.What I won't do is complicate an acquaintance trying to get ahead in their own life with a true friend. We need to spend our time nurturing those who we truly know are there for us. Trust your gut, because there is no such thing as oversharing when you are surrounded by people who show you trust and respect.