A Happy Birthday to My Love

imageimagegetajob-1Yesterday we celebrated Rob's 34th birthday. It was his 4th birthday with me and 3rd as a dad. This fact makes me reflect back to the past 4 years and how different we were on that first birthday together. We were new and so madly smitten with each other. I thought that at that moment when I took him for dinner to his favourite restaurant, that was the most you could love someone. Flash forward to 3 years later, I can't believe that I literally love this man more each day we wake. Some days the love grows slower than others, but none the less, it grows. It grows into a different type of love. It evolves into something so complex and deep, that words and actions can't explain it to the outside world unless you yourself have felt the same form of love. My life would now be empty with a large void if Rob wasn't in it. He has dug out this spot in my heart that only his 6 foot 6" frame could fill in and make whole.Here's to 70 more birthdays of you going from Daddy, to Grandaddy, to my roomie in an old age home. Here's to passing away together when we are in our 90's holding hands in our sleep. I am so happy you were born and that my soul met yours.I LOVE YOU!Katie Rose xoпродвижение сайтов спбGametrix JetSeat KW-901 Live Senseuniversal disposable car coverssmart watchвзять кредит в банке спбкредит наличными белгородвзять кредит 100000 рублейкак получить кредит без прописки


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