Cotton Dress Perfection

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My Style: Dress-Forever21, Jacket- Winners(similar), Boots- Shoemint (similar)

Its seems as though the weather can't decide what it wants to do. The days are humid and warm but the wind is cold. As you can imagine, its hard to figure out how to dress because you're too cold in Summer clothes and too hot in Fall. Ive been drawn to easy cotton dresses that can be thrown on with a pair of boots or converse and looks put together. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, get ready to see different versions of this look in the coming weeks until Mother nature knows what she wants.

By the way, while I have you here, I'd love to know what you think about the mini makeover of the blog. Its been a long time coming and changes will be still slowly happening in the upcoming month but the ease for you I hope is worth it, especially those of you who read my blog on your phones.

Make sure to follow me on Bloglovin' that way you can get my newest posts straight to your inbox.

Katie Rose xo

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