And Our Road Trip Begins

imageimageIn 2005, after living in a small town my whole life, I decided to go as far away from home that I could handle for school. I always wanted to be a 'city girl'  as well as be huge in the fashion industry. That meant there was nowhere better to go to college than in Toronto. I remember my mom coming with me so that I had help moving into residence and by lunch on the day I moved in, she said her good byes and left for the airport. I panicked right away and needed my Internet up and running so that I had contact with my life back home. It wouldn't work. I tried everything they told me to do, but after trying my own experiments, I finally got it to connect. I needed to take a break from my room after all that stress and had to ask our reception area a question (I can't remember what that was 9 years later) so I headed downstairs. Ahead of me at reception was a gorgeous blonde girl and her mom getting the exact run on how to connect the Internet that I had gotten and failed at. I interrupted them to tell them how I had to connect. The blonde turned around and introduced herself and that was it. 9 years later, many thousand kms, and too many adventures and experienced together to remember, that blonde named Kayla and I are still the best of friends. In a few days she will be marrying the best man for her and I am so proud to be asked to stand next to her on this big day. Instead of flying and renting a car, we've decided to drive from NovaScotia. It's our first road trip as a family and having already passed the halfway point, so far it's a success. Make sure to follow me on Instagram @wildrosebudsblog as well as #wrtakesonmuskoka as I am posting our adventures along the way for the next week. Wish us luck!Katie Rose xocreate company logo for freeDenon Black DP-300F 4560119536112aexy legsрастения африки фотозайм 150000 рублейденьги в долг 500 рублей100 одобрение кредитамой кредит хоум


Mom: The Professional Juggler


Feature Friday: Lovely Blonde Closet's Amaris Arcus