Mom: The Professional Juggler

imageimageWe are finally home from the long drive from Huntsville, Ont.  to Halifax, NS. It was such a great trip, filled with beautiful memories with my closest friend on one of the most important days of her life. The wedding was Pinterest perfect in every way, and Kayla looked stunning.I have many photos from the wedding that I will share with you later this week (once I figure out how to get them off my new phone)Unfortunately, this trip was also full of many firsts for me. It was our first road trip as a family, our first wedding with Aubrey, our first event with friends as parents, and my first time as a bridesmaid in a friends wedding. With those firsts, came many curve balls. As a mom, you need to learn to be a professional juggler, whether it is juggling work, wife and mom at home or in this case partner, mom, and best friend. I unfortunately don't think I've got a hang of it. Its hard trying to be at 2 places at once, knowing that your best friend needs you by her side, if only to just sit quietly so that she knows you have her back. All the while, your mind is focused on how your family is doing somewhere else. Its no longer being able to focus solely on that one person your with anymore. I now have many people who mean so much to me and who all need the equal love, and thats where I find that I fail. Love and attention is hard to spread. Being a mom seems to trump all, making sure Aubrey is happy, healthy and being taken care of the best he can be is my top priority. So when that happens, how do I fit everyone else into the equasion? this is a new phase in my life, and I forgive myself for not getting it on the first try. I know as time passes, and the firsts start to simmer down, I will get a hang of all of this. For now, its a work in progress, and I, as a perfectionist, need to live with that. So all you moms out there, who feel stretched thin as hair, know that your not alone, and remind yourself, it'll get better.Katie Rose xoimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageimageдизайн сайтов ценыFree Demo Accountbanc de binary sign inGreenzone Optionsкредиты с 18 леткредитная карта онлайн кукурузагде легче взять кредиткупить kia в кредит


Mr and Mrs Tovee, A Wedding Story


And Our Road Trip Begins