Busy busy bee..

Wow this past week has been a crazy one. And it doesn't look like there is any slowing down for the rest of the summer. 

   My sister Shannon, me, Clare, and Leanne at the wedding:
Me, Laura, and Shannon with Aubrey:

Last weekend was full of love. We had our first family outing to a fun wedding in Halifax. The bride Laura was drop dead gorgeous in a simple yet stunning fit and flare dress that was snazzed up with the most amazing edgy necklace (I need to ask her where she got it). Of course Craig looked handsome in his suit as well. The night was full of big moments from the 'I Do's' to Aubrey getting to meet a few of our close friends for the first time. Thank you Laura and Craig for the great time. 

Family photo from my Cell:

Rob spent the first of the week working In the city, which meant we had daddy around to help with my sanity during Aubrey's fussy time. But, Tuesday he headed back to Truro for work, and Nan had a girls night in the city. I was home alone (with my dad but he's a write off when it comes to helping with new borns) for the first time during Aubrey's fussy time. What usually lasts about an hour, lasted 3-4 and add in the fact that he was fussy and awake for all but maybe a two hour nap that day. This all equalled a mommy break down. It was pouring out and after my horrible car accident last September, I'm too nervous to drive with him in the rain so that calming method was out of the picture. Instead, I sat in the rocking chair in our room bawling as he screamed in my arms. The great thing was after 20 minutes of us doing this, he finally passed out. And when he woke up (about 20 mins later) my mom had arrived home and as the baby whisperer, took him downstairs so I cold have a break. She returned a while later with a dead asleep baby. Thanks Mom. You are a rock star. 

Yesterday, we had an appointment in Halifax. Aubrey since birth, has favoured looking toward his right shoulder. This is starting a bit of a flat side to the head and had us worried that maybe there was a muscular issue behind it. 2 weeks ago when we noticed it, we began doing tons of things to force his neck to the left. This involved tummy time and having sleep on his left side instead of his back. We got to the physio department at the IWK and my nerves started getting worse. What were they about to say was wrong with my perfect little baby? After 40 mins of exercises testing his muscles, I was told that I was doing everything already that she would suggest and that it looks like he will get better with age as long as we keep our habits up. It was nice to hear that my mommy intuition has worked and I'm doing ok. We have to go back in a month for a check up but looks like Aubrey is still my perfect prince. 

This Saturday, my sister and her daughter arrive from Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. I haven't seen either of them since middle of march when I visited after Amelia was born. She was 4 weeks when I left and is now over 5 months old and the chubbiest happy little girl. Hollie has always been a mentor for me seeing as though we are very similar in personality and its great to go through this with her. Now that she will be close for the next month, we will be each others cheerleaders to be healthy and help each other with the mom things as well. 2 more sleeps and lots of cleaning and organizing till they arrive and I cannot wait!

Next week, we get the town house and slowly move in. I can't wait to finally set up Aubrey's baby room. All my handmade projects will finally be in the environment they were meant for. I promise to keep you updated with that mission. 

We are now sitting on the couch waiting for the rain to pass so we can go on our daily walk. My sanity is much better when I have walked. Aubrey seems more happier when he's had fresh air as well. 

One more day till Friday,

                                           Always yours,
                                                             Katie Rose xo

Dad holding Aubrey in front of me for the first time. Heart melted:

Funny photo booth at the wedding:
My monkey:
My new ring from my Aunt and uncle:
 My latest project (old dresser into changing table):




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Oh the horrors...


When your clothes don't fit yet....