How I've changed since becoming a mom.....

Everyone always tells you that your life is going to drastically change when you have kids, and I knew that would be true for most things, but had no idea what a change it would have on the smaller things that made up who I was as a person. I am still me, but I have realized somethings just aren't that important anymore, and in other ways, I'm stronger. My stress levels are majorly lowered because there are more important things than holding on to grudges. Here's a few things I've realized as I think on what makes me, me:

1) Make up isn't a must anymore.
         Before Aubrey, and even during pregnancy, I wouldn't be caught dead without makeup. I would put it on for every situation. Now, I feel like makeup is such a waste of time and money, unless I'm going somewhere special or I am in public with Rob (gotta be good arm candy lol). Because of this, my skin looks fantastic. Girls, seriously, put the make up down.

2) I'm more confident in my choices. 
         When it came to getting dressed in the morning, I would always second think my outfit because I wanted to impress. Now I wear what I want and feel comfortable in. I like my outfits I throw together much more than anything I planned. The effortless look of it, and the ease of wear is much more enjoyable. I'm not confident with my body as I'm not yet where I want to be,but I'm happy with how I can make it look with the choices I throw together. I also feel more comfortable putting myself out there, eating in public by myself, going to events alone. I don't need a right hand man to enjoy the things I want. 

3) There is something more important than me.
        I hate when my plans don't go right, Rob can definitely vouge for that. But, now it's not about me. When Aubrey gets sick or needs to nap, I can't go to the gym or run errands and I'm ok with that. If he's fussy, we can't have that meal out like planned and so we enjoy something at home. Aubrey comes first and I didn't realize how easy that would be until it happened. 

4) People who don't keep intouch, don't matter as much.
       As a mother, you can't do the single gal nights out all the time. So, my friend time is way less. Many of the girls I would hang out with in these situations, have slowly diminished. My friends circle has turned into a small group of true friends you would do anything for and I don't stress about the others like I used to. I now have a support system behind me that I don't need to talk to on a daily basis to know they are still thee for me. That's the best feeling.

5) I now know what true love means.
        I know, I know, everyone says that. But, I can't really explain it. I have lived my entire life thinking love was a feeling I had experienced, but it's not. I look at Aubrey and it almost hurts. When he does something cute, I can't stop smiling. And when he screams his head off, there is no hate, just pain that I can't help him with what he needs.Even looking at Rob has now changed. I knew I loved him before, but seeing him with Aubrey brings on a whole new feeling. They are my life now, my family and I couldn't imagine living my life without them. 

Aubrey has made me a better, calmer, person. I'm Katie-Rose 2.0 now. And I'm loving every minute of it.

                              Your new blogger,
                                                     Katie Rose xo

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Mommy night out


Rainy days are made for leggings and big sweaters