The Search For A House

 WildrosebudsAfter a year of living in this townhouse we are in, we have decided to make the move to farther out of the city. Many reasons have brought us to this, the bills are crazy here, my sister and her fiance bought a house, and most of all I have NO sweet clue how to raise a kid in the city. Rob and I were both raised in houses in the country with woods to get lost in and a big yard to entertain us for hours. Here in the city, we have an itsy bitsy yard and then a big drop off into a gully, or as the rental agency calls it "a babbling brook'. We are done. We want to settle into a house where we can teach Aubrey about growing vegetables, and show him how amazing an imagination can be when you can let it run wild outside.The big issue we are having is we aren't ready to buy. If we were, there are tons of great fixer-uppers for amazing prices out there. Especially in the area we want to be in. We want to rent. We have a 5 year plan starting as soon as I am back to work. So, that means we are being very particular in what we are renting because we want to be there until the day comes to buy. Each night, I have been combing the rental sights with no luck. Soon though, I feel like this is something we cant rush, and I know it will be worth our wait.Katie Rose xoteXet DVR-3GPphoto size converterwrist watches menкупить кастрюлю москвакупить игровой ноутбук в кредитсправочная хоум кредиткредиты студентам сбербанкгорячая линия хоум кредит


Behind The Scenes: Local Team up (Stylized Wedding)


A Preview Of Summer