#MOTHERHOOD - The Struggle Is Real

Wild Rosebuds on Motherhood and her dilemma Holy Mother ****, what have I got myself into with this whole motherhood gig? I probably ask myself this question 20 times a day. With a threenager constantly throwing epic tantrums that I'm sure the whole of the South Shore can hear, a 7 week old whose tummy is fussy putting me on a diet of rice and chicken, and now throw in work and the blog, I feel like I am slowly drowning. The biggest problem? Im only on day 2 of week 3.Aubrey has been an absolute gem with Poppy. But since her arrival, his attitude has become this beast that I can't seem to tame. If he doesn't get his way, he will ignore you. If you push him to listen, he will scream his highest scream with tears pouring down his face until you either cave or somehow switch his attention. We try and discipline with count downs, threats, timeouts and our newest one JAIL. Having the police station at the end of my parents road makes this one quite easy. He has been told its a place whee you have no food, water, toys, family, toilet, or clean clothes. You just sit in a box all day for the rest of your life. He is scared to death of it. But does that stop him? no...those threats last 5 mins in his head and he is back to reeking havoc.At the end of each day, I break down. I have tried it all with our son. Am I a bad mother because he still misbehaves? because honestly, it feels like it is my fault. That I have done something horribly wrong to him for him to act this way. We never had boys around growing up. Maybe this is a boy thing. Instead of the sassy, throw your toy, stomp away and grump face like girls do, I have a little monster come out who would literally break eardrums while smashing everything in his path. I love him through it all and some fits even seem cute. but there are many moments where I would be totally fine leaving him on the side of the highway (not really but you know what I mean). I am at the end of my rope.I hear it gets better at 8 years old right?Katie Rose


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