Trusting The Pros At HS Studio

Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the pros Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the pros Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the pros Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the pros Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the pros Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the pros Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the pros Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the pros Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the pros Wild Rosebuds on HS Studio and trusting the prosI have had a life of struggles with my hair. From sinus medication making it fall out when I was really young, to having the worst haircuts and boxed dye experience, heading to the hairdresser makes me shake in my boots.Each time I head for a trim, I'm reminded of that time I had broken up with my college sweet heart who loved long hair. It was a Saturday and I was living in downtown Toronto. I decided right then and there I was going to chop my hair off into the famous Victoria Beckham angled bob. It was when she had it and my obsession with her at this time was next level. All the salons closed in like an hour and were booked solid so I ended up going to a little Asian barber shop in the basement of a building by my apartment. When I tried to explain what I wanted, I quickly realized that the girl didn't speak an ounce of English, but, with tabloids, I was able to show her. Then It got bad. She took the comb to my gorgeous dark long locks and with an electric razor, shaved an angle into my hair. She then continued to shave the back of my head, as short as the sides you would see in the forces training camp. I was beside myself and spent years trying to grow that shaved back of my head out.Now that it has been 9 year since, I am slowly getting over the fear of the scissors but have come to realize it is all about who you go to and the relationship with that person. So, I headed to Errika from HS Studio in Halifax. She was recommended to me by a friend and I have to say we hit it off right away. As a master hair stylist with a extensive knowledge in Kerastase hair care, she was able to treat my my hair the way it was begging to be treated and train me on how I can make my hair look just like Julia Engel from Gal Meets Glam. As a new mom, the mix of hormones and summer sun did a number on my locks. With a Kerastase treatment, my hair started to get its shine back. And with a great trim, it came back to life.With my new hair, I headed to the spa area to finally tame my brows. It had been 2 years since they had been touched and having been raised to only let the proffesionals touch them so that I didn't succumb to 90's brow, I wouldnt dare touch them myselves. Christy, cleaned them up with a quick wax and gave a perfect shape. Wax has never been my friend, but with her gentle touch and great quality of products, I came out with hardly any redness.Leaving with a bag of Kerastase goodies, I am ready to follow their advice and take care of myself. I mean, you cant pour from an empty glass.Katie Rose


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