Giant Plush Animals For The Win

WildrosebudsThis weekend, Halifax had the Saltscapes Expo. It is an Atlantic Canadian magazine that showcases local restaurants, and tourist trips. Rob and I have always heard such great things about it, that when Ruth(Rob`s mom) had asked us to join her, we jumped at the chance. Thinking it would be the food version of the Halifax Wine Festival, we got day dressed up and headed to fill our tummies with delicious food and drinks. It had a similar set up to the wine festival, in which you travel through each province one at a time, and straight of the bat Rob was double fisting beer samples (at 11am mind you). But, as we continued through the maze of provinces, the samples became few and far between, our interest was being lost, and Aubrey was becoming more and more sick of being stuck in his stroller. The only thing saving us was the occasional Stuffed mascot, with whom he didn't want to part with. Before even finishing and visiting Newfoundland, we decided to abort ship and get our over stimulated child home. It was a gorgeous day, so when we finally after 2 hours of trying, got Aubrey napping, we tucked up to the grocery store and grabbed a good bottle of wine and some delicious cheeses (we have decided to become primal just for cheese). We sat with Ruth out on our patio basking in the warmth from the sun and gossiping on family, you know the usual. I even went to bed with a tan line. I can't complain about the sort of a saturday.Katie Rose xoWildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebuds Wildrosebudsполигонстяжка пола цена харьковаренда квартиры Sunset Islands15 дюймов ноутбуквзять кредит 150000ford focus купить в кредиткредит наличными 20 леткухня в кредит


Dressing Up My Dressed Down


Switching Things Up