Protecting My Pregnant Skin With SwimZip

Wild Rosebuds in a Swimzip Dress with SPF50 Wild Rosebuds in a Swimzip Dress with SPF50 Wild Rosebuds in a Swimzip Dress with SPF50 Wild Rosebuds in a Swimzip Dress with SPF50 Wild Rosebuds in a Swimzip Dress with SPF50 Wild Rosebuds in a Swimzip Dress with SPF50 Wild Rosebuds in a Swimzip Dress with SPF50 Wild Rosebuds in a Swimzip Dress with SPF50 Wild Rosebuds in a Swimzip Dress with SPF50My Look: Dress, Hat

When I was pregnant with Aubrey, My sister was living in Curacao and I got to visit her for a Baby-moon by myself (and my mom) for a few weeks. She had just had a newborn baby herself and was preoccupied with sweet baby Amelia. That for me meant being dropped of at the beach of my choice after breakfast and being picked up after lunch. I had read 3 books on that trip and it was fantastic. But, what I did not enjoy was how much more sensitive my skin was to light. Having a very British and Scottish background on both sides and a mom smothered in freckles, I knew my limits with the sun. But with the pregnant hormones racing through my skin, it all became very sensitive and I had to make sure sunscreen was my best friend (until I discovered a product I will tell you about in the future). Then, Maternity leave happened and I spent the weeks leading up to his arrival relaxing on my deck and the weeks following walking in the sun everyday, shedding the baby weight.

The damage that my skin had seen from being hyper sensitive to the sun was horrible. The wrinkles started showing up fast and the freckles I despised would now join together on my face as if they were one large freckle. I was embarrassed.

Flash forward to this pregnancy, I have learned my lessons with the sun. Having a due date around the same time. I now know how far to push my luck and quite frankly, what not to do. Now, sunscreen is not really my favourite product and I hate reading about how it can actually be worse for you than good. So, to Solve that problem, I invested in a SwimZip By Betsy Johnson Dress that blocks up to 95% of suns rays with an SPF of 50+. Like the ones we buy to protect our littles, this dress protects me. Plus, look how cute it is. If you are like me, and love being in the sun but don't want the bad stuff that goes along with it, this is the one thing you need this summer.

Katie Rose

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