35 Week Bump Date and A Tiffany Rose Dress

Wild Rosebuds in a Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity Dress Wild Rosebuds in a Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity Dress Wild Rosebuds in a Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity Dress Wild Rosebuds in a Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity Dress Wild Rosebuds in a Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity Dress Wild Rosebuds in a Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity Dress Wild Rosebuds in a Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity Dress Wild Rosebuds in a Tiffany Rose Floral Maternity Dress 

My Look: Dress, Boots, Necklace

Yesterday was the day we headed back to the doctors for any form of an update on last week's news of how baby is doing. Rob was off again, and so we headed there as soon as we dropped Aubrey off at Daycare, nervous of what news we will hear.

Earlier this week, I had visited my Chiropractor to see what he could do to help with the baby being Breech. Having been a Chiro Assistant for the last 5 years, I knew that there were successful techniques that could be tried before the more invasive hospital attempts. He assured me that the Webster Technique was 90% effective on babies who could turn, as in no cord issues etc. That night, I was very uncomfortable with the movements happening in my belly, crossing my fingers, knees, and toes that was a good sign.

We finally were called into the Doctors office yesterday and began like every check up, urine test, weight, and blood pressure monitoring. Then, we moved to the more important stuff. The testing for the Cholestasis had not come back yet, which is stressful, but the testing on my liver that had come back was normal. We will call that a positive in the right direction. I then laid on the bed for our Doctor to figure out where baby was now laying. She poked and prodded my big belly, so deeply and painfully that I almost spoke up to how uncomfortable I was. After about 5 minutes of examining every inch of my belly, trying to outline the baby with her fingers, she spoke. She was completely at a loss. After all of that, she couldn't decide if the head was still up or if this little girl finally made her way down. That was a totally different tune from last week when she was positive the baby was breech.

So, now we move to the next steps. Next week will involve an ultrasound to confirm the baby's position, a regular 36 week checkup with my doctor to confirm the test results for the Cholestasis, as well as a meeting with the Doctor who will be doing my C-section, if it comes to that. It turns out to be the same doctor that my sister had back in October for hers and I have only heard good things.

So, until next week, we will play the waiting game yet again. This time, with me fighting an awful cold again (damn pregnancy insomnia).

At least I can throw on pretty dresses like this Tiffany Rose one above to make myself feel better about this whole stressful pregnancy, even if I am just lounging around the house. Check out some other gorgeous floral dresses for your bumps below.

Katie Rose