My Post Baby Fitness Journey Begins

Wild Rosebuds OnPost Baby Fitness after baby #2So here we are, just finishing my 6 week postpartum checkup with my family doctor. After taking a look at everything, she has given me the green light for exercise. But at 13 pound heavier than my happy fit weight, where do I go from here? My clothes don't fit, my skin is soft a squishy, covered in cellulite dimples that I had never had before, and when I bend over, I have what I can only refer to as a panis like skin fold over my underwear. But, in 9 months, this body created a beautiful baby for the second time around, so its ok if it takes just as long to get back to a place of comfort and happiness.After Aubrey, my goal was to get back into a bikini before summer was over. And, after long daily walks, the gym 5 days a week, and starving myself as much as you can while living at your parents, I got there. This time is different. I want to find happiness with my body, not skinniness. I'm ok with having to buy the next size up next season, if it means producing enough milk for my baby girl to grow. And most importantly, the gains that I make with my body, I want to last. that is something that no fad diet can do.How am I going to start finding my happy? By getting you guys involved and keeping you up to date.  That means progress pics like those below, new workouts I love, sharing new fitness finds like clothes and products that help you love your body more. And, reaching out to professionals for advice to share with you on how to find your happy too.For fitness, I am about to start BBG again. 28 min workouts 3 times a week is a great schedule for a new working mom. Also, I have set a goal to run the Valley Harvest 5km on thanksgiving morning. If you are local, Come run it with me!So here it goes, a new segment of my blog, following along as I give my body the love and attention it needs as I set out to find my Happy.Katie RoseWild Rosebuds OnPost Baby Fitness after baby #2 Wild Rosebuds OnPost Baby Fitness after baby #2 


Back To Work I Go


What to Wear: Post Baby Wedding