Back To Work I Go

Wild Rosebuds On going Back To work Wild Rosebuds On going Back To workWild Rosebuds On going Back To work Wild Rosebuds On going Back To work Wild Rosebuds On going Back To workWild Rosebuds On going Back To workWild Rosebuds On going Back To work

My Look: Dress c/o Poppy&Olive, Shoes, Hat

How American of me. Even though us Canadians get 50 weeks mat leave, I have opted to work part time at my job I started at earlier this year, just a mere 5 weeks after baby. This was a pretty easy decision for me, as A. we need that extra cash, especially with diapers back on the grocery bill, and B. the company I work for is all internet based which means I work from home. On top of that I can make my own schedule, to an extent. So, this past Tuesday marked one week back.But, in true Katie-Rose fashion, I chose a week that Aubrey's Daycare was on vacation to head back to work. That meant that last week was HECTIC! I was trying to balance it all, work, the blog, Poppy, and Aubrey. Let's just say that this blog took a hit for sure because, common, babies come first. As I enter into week 2, I can slowly see how my schedule is my best friend. As long as I stay organized with my day, making sure daycare always happens at a certain time, the blog is scheduled in advance, my workouts are scheduled in and I don't take more than I can handle at work, I'll come out alive.Many of you out there are moms and get it. We push ourselves to be perfect in everything that we do and run ourselves ragged. As long as we can accept that we just need to do each thing with the best of intentions, it is possible. Plus, if your like me, a baby whispering Nan who lives close by, and a husband who just needs to be asked, allow this whole process to happen way smoother. So, heres to living for my schedule and for your forgiveness if my blog takes a bit of a hit while I find balance.For my day-to-day, follow me on both Instagram and Instagram Stories.Katie Rose 


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