Aubrey...The Smartest

26 months-1 26 months-2 26 months-4Well, tomorrow marks Aubrey's first day in Junior Preschool. After proving to the world that he's not the average 2 year old, not just because of his size, but in smarts as well, he's moving up from daycare level almost 9 months early. I have no words to describe how proud of this guy I am. He may be hard to deal with and never stops talking, but he's outgoing, charismatic, and has the best sense of humour I have ever seen on a kid his age. Rob and I will go to daycare together tomorrow to assure the smooth transition, but knowing Mr. Aubrey, He will probably handle it better than we well. So here's to you my love. Your whole family is so proud of the busy little brain you have become. Keep growing your want for discovery and we will support you to the fullest!!Katie Rose xo26 months-3ооо полигон отзывы сотрудниковпроверка позиции сайта онлайнмайами квартиры24option ukкредиты молодым семьямкредит молодая семьявзять кредит 20 леткредит на телефон в мтс


Labor Day at the beach


Diner En Blanc 2015