Labor Day at the beach

laborday-1 laborday-3 laborday-2 laborday-5 laborday-8 laborday-12 laborday-14 laborday-15 What a perfect last real long weekend of Summer for Labor Day. Rob is back in the warehouse at work which means working weekends again. Aubrey and I took advantage of the sunny weather without him and went to the beach just the two of us for the first time. Usually, that type of atmosphere with Aubrey is a stressor because he loves to explore, but recently, Rob and I have let go of that fear of him either bothering people or going too far. He has proved to us that he always stays in viewing distance and always comes running back once he notices how far away he has wandered. So, I camped out, relaxed on the blanket while he had a blast in the sand and exploring/people watching.For the last week though, he has been begging to see Nana (Rob's Mom) and go to her house. Rob and I decided last minute to plan on heading there after Rob was off on Sunday. Its a two hour drive from Halifax but has the most beautiful beaches on the East Coast. Well, the night we travelled backfired! We left just before Aubrey's bedtime thinking he'd sleep the whole way...NOPE! Then when we arrived there an hour and 15 mins past his bedtime, I went to set up the pack and play so that he could actually go to sleep, but it was covered in mould from our basement some how. So we had to try to get him to sleep on a twin size cot in her spare room/storage room. Lets just say he finally after many attempts by both Rob and I, fell asleep around 10:30. So, we headed to bed ourselves. But there was no sleeping for us. Zeus was on high alert the whole night, jumping all over us in bed, barking at every noise. It was horrible. That sleepless night ended around 6am when we heard the pitter patter of Aubrey's feet in the hallway looking for us. After a slow morning and lots of coffee, we finally made it to Rob's favourite beach, armed with lots of food and a happy baby. It ended up being a perfect day and a great drive home to Halifax that afternoon.But, now that we got that out of our system, I am officially ready for cold days, layers, and warm tasty Fall beverages.Katie Rose xobinary options managed accountsпроверить позиции сайта в яндексекулич купитьпланшеты какие лучшеps4 в кредиткредиты наличными с 20 леткредит выполняет эмиссионную функциюхоум кредит телефон справочной


A Rainy September Beach Day


Aubrey...The Smartest