Diner En Blanc 2015

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My Look: Dress- Endless Rose, Shoes-Aldo, Earrings- Aldo, Rings- Aldo

After a major bout of horrible FOMO from last year, I bought 2 tickets to Diner En Blanc in Halifax this year and told Rob he was coming with whether he liked it or not. Well the day was fast approaching and before we knew it, we had run out of time to buy the wine (you had until 2 days before and had to order it online). Ok, well it will be a dry dinner, there's nothing wrong with that. We then found out that it was a rain or shine event and it was looking very much like rain so Rob was very hesitant to go. But, with my great smile and positive attitude, he finally came around and we started getting really excited. It was unlike anything we had ever done together. You meet your table (all strangers) at specific locations around our great city, and when the time is right, you start marching in large groups with all white everything and your picnic in hand. It was a long march that lead us right up to the middle of Citadel Hill, a landmark for Halifax.

Once there and our table was found, we began to set up. Everything was to be in white and we had to provide our own original centrepieces. We worked with what we had around the house and thanks to Rob's eye, it turned out great. we then waited for everyone to finish doing the same. White seas of people poured in and got their tables set up. Once everyone was ready, before you could eat, you had to spin your white napkins in the air to announce the commencement. No other word could describe it but surreal.For the next few hours, we chatted to our neighbouring group who shared their wine and family stories and every so often, Rob's and I's eyes would meet and we'd be reminded that we were still in Halifax. But by far the best moment of the night was after dinner before the amazing dance floor let loose we each were given a large sparkler to light. That would be aprox.900 sparklers all like at once. It was beautiful, energizing and like nothing Rob and I had ever experienced before.

As parent's, we decided to skip out early to take advantage of the Nana babysitting and a few new restaurants that have just hit the scene, but ended up home after one because after an experience like Diner en Blanc, downtown feels miniscule.

Thanks to the volunteers for making this first experience so magical!

Katie Rose xo

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