The first trip to the ER

Yesterday, I experienced my first sickness scare as a parent and it was tough because Rob was up at work and far away. Aubrey has been fighting a cold for the past week and by Tuesday night he developed a cough. It was a tougher night than usual for sleep that night because I was up at every cough with worry. But, as long as he was cuddled into me, he slept right through it. The next day, the cough was still there but it didn't seem to bother him at all, I kept him in the house just to be sure and made sure he had many naps. That night when I got home from the Mills fashion show, his breathing seemed a little raspy and it took a while for him to settle to sleep. He then, would wake up every 2 hours screaming in pain.  I couldn't figure out what was wrong. By morning the screaming hadn't stopped and the coughing and breathing was getting worse so Shannon and I got him into the car and headed off to emerg at the children's hospital. Ofcourse, as soon as we hit the road he was the happiest baby and stayed that way for the next few hours. We got checked and registered right away and they brought us to a special waiting room away from the regular one because he's so young that he can't fight all the germs in there. After a while, we got a nurse and a room. She checked him over and said he seemed ok and didn't have a temperature, but both Shannon and I knew he felt hotter than usual so we requested that she used the rectal thermometer instead of the ear one. The different was huge. The ear was showing no fever at all but the traditional way showed he was burning up at 102F. We then were seen by both a resident and a doctor. The final call was to give him a chest X-ray to make sure All was clear and then discharge us home with Tylenol to help with the fever. It was clear thank god. We went home and spent the day napping and relaxing. Today, he's back to being his goofy loud self and besides the occasional cough and his breathing sounding like a purring cat, you wouldn't even know he was ill. Unfortunately they say day 3-5 will be the worse and we don't know what day we are on. So, we are stuck inside and I'm watching him like a hawk to make sure he's ok. Oh the joys of being a parent....Im Sure this is the first of many of these types of scares. I just can't wait for Rob to be here this weekend to help and cuddle him. 

                               Full of worry,
                                           Katie Rose xo

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The cure for my hankering....


Mommy night out