A Rainy September Beach Day

beach-2 beach-3 beach-4 beach-5 beach-6 beach-7 beach-8 beach-9 beach-10 beach-11 beach-12Rob has gone back to his old position, which is fantastic, but means that our days off together are soon going be rare. So, when he had a Sunday off today, we decided to take advantage of it, no matter the weather, and head to a dog friendly beach up the Coast. The rain held off and both Aubrey and zeus had the best time running around in the sand and pretending the ocean was trying to get them. It was cold, but we bundled up in our big wool sweaters and our matching Houston Texans hats and were as cozy and can be. Poor Rob, decked out in his Texans gear, still wasn't enough to get them to win their first game in the Open Season. Better luck next Sunday.Katie Rose xobest car coverпоисковые запросы google статистикамини ноутбуки ценаbinary option reviewкредит 20хоум кредит тверькредит 1000000 на 10 леткак взять кредит без прописки


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Labor Day at the beach