The post baby body shock

He's here. I'm ecstatic to have him in my arms, but then comes the time to shower.

Before being pregnant, I was running 8kms 5 days a week and doing a 4split ( 4 days of weight training with the body parts split up). So, I went from a flat stomach with a bit of ab definition to a pregnant belly.  Mentally, I was expecting to look in the mirror and see something close to what was there before. This was soooo not the case. 

To those first time moms, you need to prepare yourself for that first look in the mirror. It's not a pretty sight but it gets better fast. I promise.

I am a week and three days out from having Aubrey and am only 7 pounds away from my pre pregnancy weight. Mind you, that muscle weight isn't there anymore but muscle memory should work in my favor. 

My tips for all you soon to be moms and women who are planning on getting pregnant would be : 

1. Get yourself super fit before you get pregnant and keep up your routine just lighter throughout your pregnancy. This allows you body to never have the chance to get unfit.

2. DON'T EAT FOR 2. Yes splurge on your cravings once in a while but make sure the rest of the time you are eating healthy, natural foods. 

3. Breastfeed!!!! This burns 500 calories extra a day, not to mention the fact that it aids in shrinking your uterus (what's making that awful tummy you now have) back to normal super fast. 

4. Walk. As soon as you feel ready, walk. If only for 20 mins. I found this helps fight off my depression as well as keep up the fitness level you had. 

5. My last secret weapon would be Baboosh tauts belly wraps. As soon as you have moved to postpartum you wrap your tummy in this thick corset with Velcro. You are recommended to wear it  for the first 40 days and nights after baby but I've been wearing it the entire time overnight but only periodically during the day. I bought a size medium and small and am already down to the small size. They help you keep your core engaged and the pressure shrinks down your uterus. You can get it here: or at Thyme maternity.

Hope some or all of these help.

                                                          Yours Truly,
                                                                    Katie Rose xo

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When your clothes don't fit yet....


Welcome to the world Aubrey Patrick