Welcome to the world Aubrey Patrick

This past month has been a dramatic one, ending in pure bliss.

Since early on in our pregnancy, we had been led to believe that Aubrey would come early. Then, as the months grew shorter, I developed a blood issue where my platelets were dropping. We had it monitored with weekly blood tests, but it had looked like i would have to be induced either before or right after my due date.

My due date finally came, June 26th, and surprise! my platelets had started getting better. This was great news for my health but at the same time, what we thought was the day we would be heading to the hospital to meet our son, now looked like it was far away. For some reason, it almost felt like they had told Rob and I that we wouldn't be getting him at all. We were hit hard and moped around the entire day.

The next morning rolled around, and I was woken at 3:45am with extreme pains. Embarrassed to say anything in case it was all in my head, i laid in bed trying to sleep through it. 6 am rolled around and I heard my mom get up and head downstairs. At this point, I still hadn't gotten back to sleep and the pains were worsening. I decided before telling my mom what was going on, Id call Rob and give him a heads up, all the while stressing the point that its probably not anything.

Once I headed downstairs, I realised that they were stronger than I had initially thought and that they were making me stop dead in my tracks. Still, i was afraid it was all a false alarm, since the day before we were told we couldn't have him today. My mom saw right away how I was feeling and we decided to start timing them. By 9am, then were 5 mins apart and I was having difficulty dealing with the pain (little did I know). We gave the call to my sister Shannon and Rob, Jumped in the cars and all met at the IWK in the city.

After being checked over at Early Labour, they sent me home being only 1 cm. The horrid nurse we had tried to tell me to drive the hour back to Chester and hang out there for a while but the pain was so bad that I didn't think I could survive 2 more hours in a car that day. We decided to all head to my sister Shannon's Apartment a few blocks away and if the pain began to get unbearable I was allowed to come back and have a shot of Morphine.

3 hours later, I couldn't take the pain anymore. I had been having contractions for 11.5 hours and I needed something to take the edge off. We packed back into my moms car and headed to the hospital. This time i was 2-3 cm dilated and they gave me a room and got me a shot of morphine and got me into a bath. Wow did that help. Rob being the amazing man he is, sat next to me on the toilet for the next few hours, running more hot water into the bath and holding the laptop on his lap so we could watch season 3 of Game Of Thrones (don't ask me what I watched, the morphine kicked my bum)

5 hours had passed by, the shot had worn off and I still had no nurse assigned to me. the nurse that I was supposed to have had gone home sick, the back up nurse was in an emergency C-section and so was the anaesthesiologist. Because i wasn't dilating, I was the least important and the entire delivery floor was full. It was officially THE WORST night that I could have gone into labour. They gave me a second shot of Morphine to stop me from complaining and left again for a few hours.

By 11pm I was done. I still had no nurse or an epidural and the pain was so bad that all I could do was cry. The head nurse came in to try to calm me down but I was so frustrated I just yelled. She checked me and i was only 4-5 cm dilated and she told me there is no way I would be getting my water broke to speed things up because it was too busy. She left the room after giving me a long speech about how unimportant I am, and literally seconds later as I decided to get up to the washroom, My water broke. It was the scariest sensation I have ever experienced. Thank god for rob being right beside me holding my hand and trying to calm me. God he's great.

1:30am finally came. 22 hours into labour and I was finally assigned a nurse, officially admitted into the IWK and and given an Epidural. Rob watched and held me in position. Guess it was a scary moment for him and the needles were huge. Finally, the pain was gone and we could sleep. Rob in an easy chair pulled as close to the bed as he could  get it and me on my side facing him.

3:30am check, 7-8cms. YAY!! we let Rob sleep...6 am check, 10 cms. The nurse asked me to attempt to push, and immediately screamed stop. He was ready to come. she ran and called my doctor who lives 20 mins away and let me rest and wake Rob up before the final adventure began. Once my doctor arrived, i only had to push for 14 mins and almost at one point in-between contractions laughed him out.

At 6:56am, 27 hours after it started, Aubrey Patrick Corkum Decoeli was born weighing 8 pounds 11 oz and 21 inches long. He was so alert but had a bit of trouble breathing. After the go ahead from many doctors, we were able to move up to postpartum, into the best private room on the unit decorated for our new little prince (benefits if my sister working on that floor and her shift being on)

we stayed the full 2 days after, just to make sure his breathing was great. Then we went home as a family of 3 to my parents in Chester to stay. The past 8 days home have been a blur and have gone by so fast. It has been so amazing to have Rob off work and by my side for all of the firsts this week. I am so in love with my new family and can't wait to grow and evolve as a mom. It so far has seemed easy but it helps that Aubrey is so relaxed. I love that little face!!

                                      More to come on the change to a mother

                                       Yours Truly,
                                                            Katie-Rose xo

On my way to the hospital!

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The post baby body shock


Happy Father's Day