My Baby Registry Must Haves With Pampers

After two babies, and 4 years of being a mom, I feel like I can finally narrow down what is essential for a baby registry. Unfortunately, you end up with so much that you don’t necessarily use or need right away and not enough of what is essential to get by until you are ready to venture out.So, from my experience, here are my top 8 items that are a must for your registry.

  1.  A Baby Wrap:

We never used a wrap with Aubrey. But, after a ton of research and knowing that I needed to be hands free with a toddler, we opted to go with one for Poppy. GAME CHANGER! We bought a Beluga wrap and it helped keep me hands free, keep Poppy close by, comfortable and asleep, AND we have been told it had also helped correct her hip issue that she had since birth. It’s a no Brainer.2.   Wubbanub Soother:This was another of those items we had heard of when Aubrey was a baby but hadn’t tried until Poppy came. It has a hospital grade soother attached to a beanbag like teddy. When they are newborns, the teddy adds weight to their chest so that they think it’s your hand. When they get older, the teddy allows them to easily find the soother in the crib so that you aren’t being woken up do to missing soother in the middle of the night. Win/Win.

  1. Pampers Swaddlers:

Pampers is the #1 choice of moms in Canada for a reason. They don’t leak, and we love the blue line indicator. Plus, honestly, diapers are so underrated when it comes to being a gift. You can NEVER have too many boxes of diapers. Size 1 is our go to because your baby rocks that size for the first few months. And, in those months, your baby will go through A LOT of diapers. So, save yourself all those midnight diaper runs and put this must-have gift on your registry. And the icing on top of a (diaper) cake? A pack of wipes – something else you’ll always want to have on-hand.

  1. Zip Up Newborn Sleepers

So this is something I now wish I had asked for more of. Aubrey was a big baby, but even big babies still wear newborn sizing home from the hospital most of the time. Because everyone was afraid of purchasing newborn, both my babies were swimming in their clothing for the first few weeks and with Poppy first few months. Ask for newborn sleepers with a gift receipt for back up. Make sure you stress Zipper closures, because snaps when you are running on little sleep will eventually become the end of the world and the tears wont be stopped.

  1. A Great Convertible Stroller:

This is one of those items that seriously is worth its weight in gold. Having a great stroller like our UPPAbaby Vista, not only makes you want to get out and show it off because it looks so good, but also makes you more inclined to go for a walk because its easy to use and comfortable for baby. We swear by a convertible one with a bassinet because you want your newborn to be comfortable sleeping while you fight off postpartum depression with exercise and fresh air. 6.   Nuna Leaf Chair:ok so we went the route of asking for a Bouncy Chair and a Swing. Aubrey loved both, but Poppy only liked the chair. You will never know until you try. So save yourself some money and room in your house and buy one that does it all.

  1. Dock-a-Tot

OH MY GOSH. This thing is Dreams. Seriously, the mama who came up with this gem is my favorite. Instead of buying a bassinet, invest in this. It takes you from co-sleeping, to a place for tummy time, and once you and your baby are ready, helps to transition them into their own crib in their own room.

  1. Swaddles

The softer swaddles the better. After trying them all (I think we own like 35) Lulujo is the best of the best. From a nursing cover, to a burp cloth, these will be your new best friend. We even used them as easily changeable, liners for on the sheets and change pad so if Spit up or poo got on them you just took it off and put a new one down.Now for the fun part! Because Pampers is the best gift for a new mom, we have teamed up with them to give one lucky reader, a big box of diapers in your baby’s size. All you have to do to enter is head to my Instagram Post with Poppy in a Pampers, and Comment on the one baby Item you cant live without.Can’t wait to win the Giveaway? Good news! I’m excited to be sharing a coupon for Pampers diapers with you, just click here     

Thanks to Pampers for supporting my family by sponsoring this post. 

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