My 2nd Mother's Day

image image image image image image image image image image imageAs a mother, you are on 24/7 and your mind constantly thinks about your family and everything you need to do to care for them. It's a hard job but a fantastic one. With so many highs that the lows disappear to the back of your mind. Between this year and last, so many things have changed in my life and I have evolved as a mother, as Aubrey evolves into a little man. And I am all the better for it.As moms, we are different each morning that we wake because we have learned something new about the role the day before. We need to accept that we will never know the right answer or be an expert. But we are the perfect mom for our children and as long as we do everything with love.When I think of Mother's Day, of course the first thing that I think about is my own mother, who has made me who I am today. Her kindness, passion, humour and smile brighten up every room and I adore hearing everyone who has ever met her sing her praise. But, now that my family is getting older, she is no longer the only mom that I want to celebrate. My sisters are now blossoming into beautiful mothers and it is so great to have people so close to my heart to go through this trek with. I'm blessed and hope to never take advantage of my amazing mommy support system.To all you moms out there, happy belated Mother's Day. Snuggle your kids tighter and forgive yourself because you are perfect.Katie Rose xoPs. Aubrey has a stumble down our outdoor concrete steps which resulted in me panicking and rushing hi to emerg. Everything is fine and it is just superficial. I think Rob and I were worse off than him. akg k518 le fuchsiaпорно пати видеодоминикана цены на отдыхкупить офисное креслотелефон хоум кредит банкдебет 99 кредит 68банк премьер кредит отзывыкредитка кукуруза


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