The Play Corner: Part 1

 Play CornerWe have been trying to create an area just for Aubrey in our living room. Somewhere that he can keep all of his toys and we can still keep an eye on him. The first step that I took in creating this little corner, was picking up this must have foam flooring at Walmart for a crazy price. We then, added a big basket for his toys ( he loves routing through it on his own). The next step was to add something fun. I have been looking at these tissue garlands on Pinterest for a while now and love them. I grabbed the colors of the corner and started crafting. Below are the steps to take to make them. They are a bit time consuming but are easy. I think they turned out great and can't wait to show you what I have next for this area.Katie Rose xoCut a sheet of tissue paper in halfFold one of the cut pieces in half and cut strips into it towards the fold, leaving about 2-3 inches from the foldUnfold the tissue and roll upTwist tissue where uncutTwist together into a knot and glue closed leaving a hole. String tissue onto a string of your choice. I used twine.Tissue Garlandbinary option social tradingдоговор продвижения сайтаАксессуары для телефоновкупить кинескопный телевизор недорого50000 рублей в кредитвзять деньги в долг кировденьги в долг украина херсонтеле2 казахстан деньги в долг


Project 52: week 4


Maybe in distance but never In heart