Artwork on Budget For Your Home

The Wild Decoelis | Artwork on Budget For Your Home

After 8 years of designing both our own home and some of yours, I know first hand that art styles change. It's also one of those things that can eat up a lot of someone's budget if you want to purchase originals. That's why being able to print off art and family photos at home is not only the more affordable option, but also makes it easier to switch those items out as your style changes and evolves.

We are professional photographers, specializing in portrait and wedding photography, but even with all the beautiful photos we have taken through the years of our own family, we never seem to print them off. We wanted the ability to do so in our own home and to be able to change those photos as our family grew. 

The problem with printing art and photography at home is making sure you have the proper printer that can handle such a detailed print. Sending it off to specialty printers can add a lot more to that overall price. That’s why when we heard of Canon’s MegaTank Refillable printers, we knew it would be an excellent investment.

Canon is such a great name in the photography industry so we knew trusting one of those printers for the tasks was the right decision. And with Canon MAXIFY GX7021 All-In-One Printer, we could trust in being able to print up to 14,000*** coloured prints without running out of ink like many other printers would have. The other great feature on our MegaTank printer is that it can be formatted for many different types of paper. This way, for art prints, we can use an art paper and the printer can print accordingly, as well as photography on matte, semi-gloss, or glossy.

And, when we print items off for clients, we put a lot of trust in our printer to keep on working. That's why the 3 year limited warranty** lets us have peace of mind that we will not ever be left stranded. 

Another bonus, with the Canon printer app, we are able to print photos and art from anywhere in our house directly from our phone. This is amazing for when we have just taken the sweetest photo of our kids and know it’s worth a frame, or allowing us to print when we know we have the time to do so… even if that's 10pm at night from our bed (it’s happened!) 

But that leads me to my next little snippet for you, where do you go to get those beautiful art prints? 

From my style, you can probably tell that I LOVE all things vintage and handmade looking. Lucky for me, there have been so many great digital download art shops that have popped up online over the last few years. These collections are curated from people scouring vintage shops and second hand stores for beautiful authentic paintings and then scanned into a high quality digital copy for you to purchase for a great price. Some of my favorites are listed below. 

Vintage Supply

BFF Print Shop

Juniper Print Shop

North Prints


Printing for the Busy Family


Poppy's Room Plans