Babywearing with Beluga Baby

Wild Rosebuds on Babywearing with the Beluga Baby WrapWild Rosebuds on Babywearing with the Beluga Baby Wrap Wild Rosebuds on Babywearing with the Beluga Baby Wrap Wild Rosebuds on Babywearing with the Beluga Baby Wrap Babywearing was always something that interested me. I have read all of the studies about the benefits of having your baby on your body for the first year. They become less colicky, are more caring children, etc. etc. But, we then had Aubrey, a very independent little boy who wanted to be left alone in his bouncy chair or swing. Unfortunately, this mixed with him having slight Torticollis meant he developed an odd shaped scull. Each time a new person tells us he has a goose egg on the back of his head, i cringe a little inside because I know we were partially to blame for allowing him to be so independent. When he would allow us to put him into a carrier, it had to be outward facing. This meant that all those sleeps you see babies taking in a carrier were not apart of our life.But, Now we have Poppy. Its only been 2 weeks but she literally will only sleep if she feels the body heat of another person. On the plus side, we can now take advantage of this whole baby wearing thing and see if those studies that I have spent hours reading really are true.We wanted to try wraps this time around as I know they are easier on the back and have heard babies love them. Beluga Baby is a Canadian Mother owned company with a good selection in colors. It is different from many other wraps because it has a two way stretch to it's fabric instead of one-way. This allows the baby to not feel so restricted. It is easy to put on once you get the handle of it and have been light to wear on these hot summer days. It has a bit more bounce than I am used to in a traditional carrier but Poppy seems to fall asleep as soon as she is in it.Having Aubrey be so busy, I find myself gravitating to throwing her in the wrap throughout the day so that I have free hands for him, lunch, chores and even working at the computer.Being able to be that close to your baby, while not distrupting your day really is a godsend and I highly recommend it to all you moms out there.Want to try out Beluga Baby for yourself? Use code 'KATIEROSE' and get 10% off your purchase.


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