Our Night At Diner En Blanc 2017

Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017A few years ago, Rob and I got wind of Diner En Blanc. Aubrey was 2 and we were desperate for an exciting night out where we could forget about being parents and even forget about being in Halifax. We took a chance even though the night was way out of our budget and headed out (read about it HERE).We went with what the website said for supplies and definitely did things the wrong or hard way. And, although we still had an absolute blast forgetting we were in Halifax, we made note of what we would do differently if we ever went again.Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017This time we did it right. The event is kept secret until you arrive by foot so we made sure we bought the lightest white chairs money could buy. Next, for food, we had pre ordered from one of the collaborators the first year. It was expensive and didn't taste the greatest. This year we made our own charcuterie board AND ordered wine ahead of time.Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017 Wild Rosebuds: Diner En Blanc Halifax 2017Lastly, this year we packed up our gear in two neutral book bags so that they were easier to carry. MY GOODNESS, it made a difference. Dressed with style and comfort in mind, we were prepared for anything.The venue this year was on the Kings Warf property in Dartmouth. It was a beautiful view of the Halifax harbor and very surreal. But, with previous venues like Kings College and Citadel hill, the actual space fell flat. The area was pretty much a gravel parking lot. I loved the feeling of being in France when we were in the center of the Citadel. And, it was so romantic to explore the grounds after hours without all the tourists. That was not the feeling that you got this year.In saying that, I still had such a blast with my handsome date. It was so great to do something so out of the ordinary and exciting. We hope to go again next year, but with a group of friends so that even if the venue falls flat, our company doesn't. 


How I Edit My Photos


An Afternoon At The County Fair